
How You Know You’re Doing SEO the Right Way

How You Know You're Doing SEO the Right Way

In the time it comes to SEO or Search Engine Optimization for a new website or blog, some businesses can certainly be intimidated because of the amount of information out there. And sometimes, whether they do not have the assistance of an experienced as well as skilled in house search engine optimization specialist, they will not to anything. 

These days, we are about to see some quick things that will help you begin your own website or blog or your clients’ websites or blogs SEO on the right way – even whether you cannot hire a professional skilled search engine optimization specialist to assist you of your project. 

Let us see the on-page SEO basics

Some of the essential elements of SEO generally happen on your own old website. You may have already done lots of link building, but as a specialist in SEO you must know that link building has no worth sans on-site optimization. It is effective when you do on page SEO properly. Here we have discussed the bare minimum on page optimization and its elements that you should use on each of your website’s main pages, combing the homepage. 

We will now discuss about the golden rule of on-page optimization.

Prior to start the SEO on page, you need to bear in mind some important things. In the time you are using SEO elements, it is not doubt obvious you do not overdo it. 

  • Think about your TITLE TAG, you should make it in such a way that search engines understand what the page all about. It is better if you maintain it within 70 characters or less that can be included with your business name and keywords. 
  • Think about your pages’ META DESCRIPTION. The Meta description of a page should be written with relevant information that already discussed in the page, so that visitors visit the link or the link ranks in search engine shows the appropriate description of the page. You can include the target keyword in the Meta description as well. 

You can write anything in Google search bar and see how the TITLE TAG and META DESCRIPTION look in a search result. 

If you are using WP i.e. WordPress then adding title, Meta title, target the main keyword that you do target for the search engine ranking and the Meta description are easy to use with SEO tools. You can install a good SEO tool on your WP to make it easy and quick. 

Let us see some additional on page SEO elements that you need to include in your SEO strategy as well and to understand whether you are doing SEO the right way. See the following things properly, whether they have managed properly. 

  • Internal links
  • Header tags
  • Image name and ALT tags
  • Bold text, italic and underlined text as well

Content Optimization 

Creating or writing quality content for website or blog is crucial. This will help you investment little things but return lot more things that you hardly remember. Mainly, content is everything in a website or blog. Whatsoever the design part you completed for your project, your visitors will not come to see that, at the last moment they will read the content via you shared the information to your visitors about your products and or services. 

Now, let us see about off page optimization, what did you and you need to do to understand whether you are doing SEO the right way. 

Link building is something that you have talked most of the time in your SEO journey. But there are other things in off page optimization that you need to know for better SEO for sure. Let us see them one by one. 

  • Google business listing
  • Google local listing
  • Social bookmarking
  • Directory submission
  • Article submission 
  • Press Release submission 
  • Blog submission

The above mentioned things are somehow all that can give you total SEO and boost your website getting good rank in search engines. If you have already done the things we have discussed here, then your SEO is done well or you are doing SEO the right way that was the main discussion of this blog.


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  1. How to Learn SEO Online from Internet - Gautami Blogs

    May 28, 2024

    […] Learning SEO online can be a rewarding journey. Here’s a structured approach to get you started: […]

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